Thursday, February 9, 2012

Shadow Art

I really enjoyed this shadow art project that we did. It gave us the opportunity to be extrememly creative.
We started with a bunch of junk, a slide projector, and our imaginations. We had to pick a theme and use junk to make a shadow and show it.
Our group had some problems picking an idea of what to do.
We started with the idea of a park...
Then a big city at night..
And we finally decided on an underwater theme.

Since it took us so long to decide we really didnt have much time to make it very detailed. What we did was use a blue camelback waterbottle and put it in front of the slide projecter. We turned it on its side so we could have a water line and a boat. For the wave we bent a ruler and held it up. On the bottom we used random things to make coral and a starfish. If i could change one thing about this project i would give more time to plan and execute this project. But i really enjoyed doing this project.

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